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tv   Inside Washington  ABC  October 6, 2013 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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>> here is what greeted wawaingtonians tuesday morning as they looked at their "washington post" and "politico." boehner and his colleagues find themselves on an island. they do have ted cruz. >> when senator cruz told speaker boner to take up a crusade to defend obamacare the speaker did it. >> senator chuck schumer of new york my democrat, congressman peter king, a bipartisan agreement at last, neither can
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they ted cruz but he has tea party behind him. how does a senator managed to be up poster boy so early in his career? >> it may be the best example of how politicians when they have media, the ability to command media attention and activist support do not need it at all. they are contemptuous of the traditiol levers of power. staying in good steadith the speaker and the washington crowd is worthless to him. sarahusing a model that palin and others before him used but he is using it i think with kind of more ability to drive the policy debate that i have ever seen. weave seen these comets streak across the sky before but we have never seen one exert that much clout on an issue of major consequence, shutting down t the whole government. >> have we
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been unfair to ted cruz? -- you live by very decen the sword and you die by the sword. you wonder when that aim of light wl turn on someone and is a ugly color. it almost always happens but i think we should w wait for that moment. we who wait for disasters should wait for that moment. there always disasters and politics. >> he is working with the weak leadership. you have mitch mcconnell, majority and the minority in the senate. he does not have a mitch mcconnell standing up to him. in the house you have a speaker who is led from a minority within a minority. howed much of the leadership and needs the field wide open to
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someone like cruz who has a strong demagogicrge to take advantage of the situation. >> we can lay senator barack obama for some of this, which is why served multiple terms in the senate getting ready to run for andidenent, just go for it, it is much easier now than it was when barack obama was in the senate because othe weak leadership poll we mentioned. it is better not to be playing with the leadership now because you can prove yourself, you can prove you're not a rino. >> we do have the debt crisis looming. being quoted as saying he will not allow the united states to default. there are signs tthat this is bruising the economy. the dow dropped almost 700 points in a couple of weeks. there are pelicans are willing to find a little bit here, a little bit there, piecemeal. they were talking about funding
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nih, for example. early on we showed eric cantor and behind him were a bunch of people in white ats. who are those people in the white coats behind him? these are members of the republican actors caucus. quickly or curing cancer. >> and they are curing cancer. i think they got there, pins at the world war ii memorial where one congressman is saying you should be ashamed of yourself to a national park ranger who is working there without pay to do what national park rangers do at our national monuments, to keepp them safe and clean. >> those doctors are making the case to find children's cancer research at nih. why would you not do that, why would that not be the compassionate thing to do? >> they're going to take care, they have the capital police out there protecting them, working
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on furloughs without getting paid. you cannot pick and choose which ones you want. the government not to be open, not some piece of the government that seems to be popular at the moment. >> they know how vulnerable they are. heople dislike government in t abstract, like it in the particular. usually the president is the one who can take advantage of this phenomenon by shining a spotlight on any particular aspect of government that peoe lilike and happens to poll wel. l. the public views their tactic in this instance as illegitimate. we shouldaying negotiate and obama says i am not going to negotiate. your tactic of holding us hostage is illegitimate. for now a majority of the public is on obama's side of the argument. >> is there any chance this will turn around and bite the president? >> this is a dangerous idea that bill thatigate a
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passeded, not only past but the won thet had election on. this could bite the president in the behind. it is not the way we do business and i think the public understands that. i am curious whether when we get to the debt limit, do you think there is anyossibility that they could have a grand bargain or are we getting suckered again? >> one approaches this very warily like charlie brown gng to kick the football. probably on a half-dozen occaons over three years and 2011 was a big year for this trade we had this run-upo there is a deal possible, there is a grand bargain. we all fall for this because we know that if you close the doors and put john boehnernd barack was no cameras
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and total freedom to negotiate, they would be out by lunch. the issues are tot that hard but the political issues are just as hard. having seen that many attempts at a grand barga fail, there is no reason think this one will succeed. >> speaking of lunch, how did the lunch this week go? got almost real-time reporting. they beat him up. republicans are deeply resentful of his tactics. used that waswas demagoguery and republicans agree with that. the republican party is not one party, it is two. the republican party is not one party, it is two. you have the estabshment win
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unrest halfway around the globe affects us here at home. america imports millions of barrels of l from the middle east every week. but we don't have to.
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along with increased domestic development, the transcanada keystone xl pipeline could eliminate america's reliance on unstable and often unfriendly foreign energy in 10 to 20 years. the pipeline will bring more than just oil. construction will support the creation of over 40,000 american jobs. let's build the transcanada keystone xl pipeline. >> everyone is angry.
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>> i think it is crazy. holding the government hostage is crazy. >> a a bunch of jerks. these peoplesend to govern, not close up shop. a week ago we were driving through zion national park in utah. it is quite beautiful. if we d chosen this week we would not have been able to do so. people plan these vacations a year ahe. what is the fallout on this politically? we know what happened 17 years ago. to hahaveabout hurricane season and other things. i do not think republicans can cherry pick fast enough to keep those parts of the government opened that will anger people when they are closed. there is a slight chance because of the way the press covers things that there becomes an equivalent. obama is saying i will not negotiate becomes equivalent to saying defund obamacare, we are not opening the government because we like to sidestep the
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question. every question. i want to believe john boehner. does not want any of this to happen, but i do think republicans will have to get someing like maybe the medical or ae tax rolled back, promise to have a tax commission where they say we have had our way and let's move on. quick 72% of the american people opposed to shutting down the government even though 47% do not like the affordable care act. they do not like obamacare. >> you have to look beyond that number to see what else is happening particularly with this rollllout of the active this we. -- act this week. it is one thing to give a party and no one comes. their oversubscribed.
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-- they are oversubscribed. there was a demand to know more about this affordable care act and that is going to shift. republicans have made a serious error in trying to defund or repeal this law that is already on the books. that is a nonstarter for t them. i should have never gone down that road. >> do think the speakership is in trouble? >> it is in trouble every day of the week. that is why he walked away from the deal several years ago, that is why -- he was proposing a clean cr and he could not get it through his own caucus. he is in trouble all the time. knows who would succeed him. even the people who we thought had a knife at his back all the time, they are in trouble, too.
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breznehan is making the point, the dominant caucus inside theepublican party just simply does not trust him. if he says yes to everything they demand than they are going to be opposed to it for the because it is identified with hi he has bome that radioactive withinis own republican caucus. >> john boehner still can by hise his speakership reputation. and that is to look at the question of the debt ceiling. he knows what the consequences could be if we default. john boehner can get the vote to raise the debt ceiling. >> democratic votes. democratic votes
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in republican votes. well he will get his credit for avoiding this catastrophe. that should be more to the speaker,r, not because of him personally but to the leadership if he pulls that off. >> he has been falling back on the rule. hastard said there was no rule. a tragic figure john boehner is becoming. coming in the son of a barkeep who swept the floors, 11 brothers and sisters, and he pt at the time d i think you must weep now. how did this happen to me? >> the question is whether there gout with ario, blaze of glory. i will devote my speakership but by god, we are going to move past this impasse.
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it must be attractive to him for the reasons margaret said. it is not like the job is that great. you are hanging onto a job where you are subject to ritual humiliations. >> he says we will not default on the debt. maybe this is his moment.
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>> more choices, more competition, and in many cases, more prices. many americans will find they can get hovered for $100 or less. >> in ter of news coverage, the showdown overshadow the very thing house republicans are trying to reverse, the affordable care act, obamacare. there were glitches as s kathlen sebelius say we did not talk about that because we had this other thing, this huge e elephant up here. >> fox talks about it a lot.
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part ofut that is this the pie. it is a big pie. >> there was way more interest in subscribership. they were overwhelmed. ugly as theto be president says but if you go back and look at massachusetts, what happened when they did this, they had abobout a year or o when actuayomneycare was pretty u unpopular because there were glitches and some people said i have to pay mor a they had not figured out how to tweak the lot to do that. now it is wildly popular in massachusetts. >> republicans claim the affordable care act is unconstitutional. it will increase the cost of health ce for many americans. it will result in higher surance remains. that it will cost $600 billion in tax hikes, over $500 billion added to the national debt and cost jobs. how much of that is true or
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accurate? >> the supreme court settled that question. about the constitutionality of the affordrdable care act. the rest of it will bee assertions and responses to assertions and responses. it suggests this thing will collapse of its own weight from day one. we have from now until mah for ople to sign on. you have this display of interest. that will sort out and you will have more people getng enrolled. you will see more people enrolled in this. where states -- states where the governors do not want to do it because they are r states, it ll be no affordable care act. however, there wilbe demand once it starts to take hold in other states this thing is going to evolve over time. of course there will be costs involved. >> is this a snowball coming down the hill and you cannot get itack up? it be chipped away at,
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getting rid of it peace by peace? -- piece by piece? >> the issue with healthare has always been the same. you ve access and cost. obamacare does seem to be on path given all the interest in dealing-ups to be effefectively with an access question. more people will be covered. the ng-term issue is exploding costs. there is a general view that obamacare probably has not tackled that. that is the next health care debate to come. these --hey try to get the board to go after the costs and look at outcomes, they are called death panels. you cannot pay doctors under this bill for dealaling with people because we spend 1/5 of our health care on the last two weeks of life. when
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you talk toepublicans, it is like a hot button issue. how did healalth care become lie abortionnd guns? it is individual mandate. it had been called individual responsibilityty, it might have worked better r because in facta big part of the resistance comes from young people who did not get insurance because they did not think they need it and the system inng emergency rooms so they have to pay $100 a month for a bronze -- a big co-pay insurance. are you defending deadbebeats, s that your meaning here? people likee market it and 47% do not. are they so divided about this? propaganda.ll it their argumentnts against it as stated over and over, that this
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is forcing people to do part- time care and etc., some of it will stick. will see this.e >> they are not irrational to oppose it. no mattehow controversial, it will lead to a muchh more prominent role in american life. medicare,come like medicaid, sosocial security. >> it will become accepted. the federal government steps in where the states do not, even with the republican governor ststates whe they accepted the expansion, they are providing pretty decent
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options for people. if you look at the states where they have not accepted t the medicaid expansion, it is much more expensive and some of those states are big statelike texas. quick speakingf texas. texas. quick[ male announcer ] at northrop grumman,
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we've always been on the forefront of innovation. when the world called for speed... ♪ ...when the world called for stealth... ♪ ...intelligence... endurance... affordability... adaptability... and when the world asked for the future. staying ahead in a constantly evolving world. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. >> we are here because we want
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every child, no matter whehere they start in texas, to receivee a world class education, she is running for governor a and she has a great personal story. >> she was. she s a teenage mother whose marriage broke up, living in a trailer home am a then later went on to harvard law school anand received her degree and se is age 50 and had an accomplished c career. what we have seen with her,
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something we saw in massachusetts with elizabeth warren, she bolted from obscurity the national stage by being seen as a passionate and articulate defender of values. i would not say that is typically the best way to get elected statewide by being a of liberaldefender vaes but it is why there is interest in her. she has become almost overnight and national figure, not simpl a texas figure. but texas is changing, too. e cast as aning to extremist on the left, she expects it. because of her positioion on rit to choose e bubut the numbers ae changing on the grground in tex. >> the voting age population and do not write to me if i am wrong has increased i 25% or 35%, most of it minority. the voter turnout is not great.
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she has to make a good showing.. proving thats is the filibuster is the quickest waway to national fame and notoriety. the attorney general will winin because she does seem like one issue, she wiltry to broaden >> this week on "govnment
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amid the government shutdown, we have a full report. >> like any product launch, there will be some glitches. on, buts log problems abound. the data act seeks to revolutionize federal spending. he -- withwith since senator mark warner. >> this is "government matters." >> thanks for joining us. government is the engine that ruruns this city. that is why government mters. he bring you the top headlines in tech, security, and management. i'm morris jones. the government shutdown tops our headlines. congress


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